So, in March of 2007 I was "reorganised" out of my job. Six months after returning from maternity leave - nice eh? On the bright side was a considerable severance package (the way a fucktard employer says "I'm sorry - please leave quietly"); on the not-so-bright side, a lingering feeling of diminished worth.
In July of 2007 I was hired by my present employer - a friend presented my resume to her boss and told him that I was exactly what he needed. Turns out she was right. :)
This workplace has been awesome. I feel useful, professional, and valued. But, there's a catch: To the Competent go the Spoils. They are loading on responsibilities and projects like no tomorrow. And I think we're approaching the realm of "last straw". I'm meeting with my bosses tomorrow and part of that meeting we'll be discussing what they'd like me to be when I grow up. Because, awesome as I am (tongue planted firmly in cheek people), I can't be everything at the same time.
Wish me luck.....
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