Sunday, January 18, 2009

Ain't No Sunshine When She's Gone...

Jaz flickers on the outside of my vision. My brain tries to reconcile her absence by placing shadows; my heart breaks when I have to remind myself that she's not there.

Today has been one long snowfall, what Mr. Hammy and I call "insidious snow". The fall seems inconsequential until you realize that it's been going on for 12 or 14 hours...

The snow and wind wiped Jaz's footprints from the backyard. Was it harder to look out the window and see them, or look out and not see them?

Friday, January 16, 2009

Passing of a Good Dog

We had to put Jaz down yesterday.

She wasn’t well Wednesday night; couldn’t get off the couch and wouldn’t eat her dinner. I took her to the vet, and they kept her overnight. Xrays yesterday morning showed a mass in her abdomen – cancer. Nothing they could do.

We went at 12:30, to be with her. Told her she was a good girl. Gave her smooches. Held her as she left us.


(Can. Ch. Guiding Light's Rising Star)

aka Jazzy-Bug, aka Buggy, aka Jazamin, aka Jazabelle

October 25, 1998 – January 15, 2009

Never met a lap she didn’t like

These pictures are 4 or 5 years old - Jaz in her prime.

Jaz this summer....