After all, I'm home on maternity leave. All that free time....(snort).
It's hard to believe that little Hambone is 9 months old today. He's already pulling himself to standing and sports an impressive 9 teeth.
Things are busy - the Christmas prep season is never my favourite, and add to it Hamlet will be turning 6 (!!) on the 13th. Hamlet loves.loves.loves being a big brother and it's great to see the boys together. Hambone lights up when he hears his brother's voice and laughs out loud when Hamlet makes faces for him or tickles his toes.
I can't say that this is a very insightful post - I could talk about the isolation of maternity leave, or the love/hate feelings I'm experiencing about going back to work at the end of January, but I think I'll start just here. Just showing my boys and saying Merry Holidays to everyone. :)
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