Friday, January 16, 2009

Passing of a Good Dog

We had to put Jaz down yesterday.

She wasn’t well Wednesday night; couldn’t get off the couch and wouldn’t eat her dinner. I took her to the vet, and they kept her overnight. Xrays yesterday morning showed a mass in her abdomen – cancer. Nothing they could do.

We went at 12:30, to be with her. Told her she was a good girl. Gave her smooches. Held her as she left us.


(Can. Ch. Guiding Light's Rising Star)

aka Jazzy-Bug, aka Buggy, aka Jazamin, aka Jazabelle

October 25, 1998 – January 15, 2009

Never met a lap she didn’t like

These pictures are 4 or 5 years old - Jaz in her prime.

Jaz this summer....


Unknown said...

aw, hammy, this post made me cry. i am so sorry for your loss.


Stella Dean said...

Awe. This post made me choke up a little. I had a Jazz too, her name was Jasmine (after a Disney princess, not to self, don't let kids name dog), a German shorthair/lab mix, and she had thyroid cancer. She was only four years old. I miss her still, five years later. I'm sending a big hug to you.

Hammy said...

Thanks so much ladies - it's good to know other people out there "get" why I've been a mess for three days.

Used-to-be-me, Jaz came pre-named (her previous owners surrendered her back to the breeder when she was one); we are also the proud owners of Ashley (also pre-named). Our boxer breeder had a penchant for girlie names...there was also a Brandi, an Abby, and a Holly. *sigh* Many thanks for the hug. :)