The remainder of February and early March passed in a haze of interrupted sleep, hip and back pain, sporadic weeping, assorted rants and the general disgruntlement of late pregnancy.
(The skin on my stomach was stretched so tight I swear if I had bumped into a table-edge, baby would have exploded out like candy from a pinata.)
When I have a little more time and energy, I'll post the play by play from Hamlet2's labour and delivery (like - "contractions start 3 minutes apart! funtimes!"), but for now here are the stats and gratuitous picture.
March 9th 11:44 am
Another lad to add to the team
9lb 1/4 oz, 21 inches long
Hamlet is thrilled to bits to be a big brother.
Eeeee! So adorable! Congrats on two wonderful boys.
Thanks ladies! I still have to practice "I have two sons." :)
How are you doing, sweetheart? I hope you aren't too exhausted.
Snooze - I haven't been ignoring you, but I haven't signed in to my Hammy account in sooo long. :)
The first couple of months were a grind, but Ian is 6 months old as of September 9th, and he's a pretty happy little dude. He's more active (almost crawling the little bugger) and interactive and there's more of a routine to things now. Oh, and he sleeps through the night so he's officially on the awesome baby list.
I hope all is well with you and little Finn.
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